Where to stay in Phnom Penh ?

19 januari 2017 - Phnom Penh, Cambodja

When you search google for a place to stay in Phnom penh you won't find many seachresults outside off the main hotel sites. Maybe because most of the blogs haven't been updated but because of this we chose the wrong spot ourselfs. If you like the laid back athmosphere with some bars, restaurants and cheap places to stay then I would definitely recommend street 172. On this street you will find many cheap accomodation en nice afgordable restaurants. I think it is the only street in pnom penh that has a little bit of the vibe of siem reap. 

So don't look further and just book one of the guesthouses on this street. If you book through this link you will receive €15 back and we will receive the same.  This way we help eachother ! 


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